Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Letter From a Simple Student

Dear Mr. President,

Maybe you will ignore this letter of me because you're too busy now in your
work as the new president in our country. I hope that one day, you will read my
letter and please don't take this for granted.
I'm congratulating you that you are now the new president here in the Philippines.
I hope that you will do all what you've said when you are still campaigning. I know
you do and I know that you are a good leader just like your father Ninoy and your
mother Cory. I hope that one morning I wake up, there's no more people living in the squatter areas, no more smokey mountains and no more starving people especially the little children. I'm also hoping that our debts in the other country will be paid soon. More job vacancies here for the Filipinos so that they will not sacrifice going abroad and leave their families. I hope that our country will progress very soon. Congratulations! Good start.

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